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05.11.15, 10:09
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Inhalt der Datei

Metropolregion Rheinland - S,M,L,XL? Ober Chancen, Kosten und Prozess Fakultat fUr Architektur Lehrstuhl fUr Raumentwicklung Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein Regionalrat DUsseldorf, 24. September 2015 TUM FakulUl1fOrArchileklur Lehrstuhl fOr Raumenlwicklung Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr: was 5011 sein? ( ...._ ~ QueUe: IKM, URL: .. ~ .. .. , Zugriff: 4.9.2015 Sichtbarmachen. Wo liegt meine Region? Oreat- rital" M.~ Sichtbarmachen. Wo liegt meine Region? J Sichtbarmachen. Wo liegt meine Region? Contents ,­ Mega-City Regions, what are theJ_?.:..-o_ _ Critical mass ' 0: "Mega-City Regions a series of anything between 10 and 50 cities and towns physically separated but functionally networked, clustered around one or more I er central cities , and drawing eno us economic strength from a functional div: 'on of labo ' ( Pain 20 Competitive advantage ..'-" .1IIl., '" Peter Hall and Kalhy Pain «Polyzentrische Kompetenzreg ion» Konnektivitat he Mas .Erganzende Vielfalt - ,Reden uber die Stadt' Ober diese Themenzusammenhange wird gesprochen Ve hr FOrster, Engler, Fabich, Lechner, Ramisch, Schopf, Toy (2015) STADTPLANUNG WOHNEN KULTUR STADTGESTALT STADTTEILENTWICKLUNG VERKEHR STADTFORSCHUNG ARCHITEKTUR FREIRAUM GESCHICHTE STADTEBAU ENERGIE, UMWELT & WASSER FLACHENMANAGEMENT SONSTIGES ZWISCHENNUTZUNG SOZIALES GEWE RBE & INDUSTRI E :l~~~~~NQ -""" -....." ,Reden uber die Stadt' Ranking der Themen FOrster, Engler, Fabien, Lechner, Ramisch , Schopf, Toy (2015) Entwicklungstreiber: Wissensokonomie "The knowledge economy is this part of the economy, in which highly specialized knowledge and skills are strategically combined from different parts of the value chain in order to create innovations and to sustain competitive advantage". Source : Luthi 2011 Wettbewerbsfah ig keit. Elf Metropolregionen in Deutschland wissensintensive Dienstleister 2.2 . , - - - - - -- - -- - ----..,..--- B c: Ul .~ E 0 C 0 u UJ ...0 ..liI:: s Q) z ttl .0 0 <3 .,0 '" & .s 2.0 I Rhine-Ruhr 1,8 ­" « :::)~ "- - - -- - - - - - - - - , II 1,6 ~ ~~ 1,4 ~5 1, 2 Hamburg <IJ ~~ c '" 8~ u1! ~~ 2i .s 1,0 e ~ r;,lll;ICfi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Stutt~rt 0,8 ,, I 0.6 Rhine-Neckar 0,2 0,0 ~ Saxony-Triangle • N9remberg H-B-G-W 0,4 ~ <IJ - - - - - - - -- - - - ... -- - -- - - - Bremen-Oldenburg III 0,0 IV 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 1.0 1,2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Number of FUAs per Mega-City Region 2.0 Critical Mass / Agglomeration Sum of Employees and Inhabitants In Relation to the MeanSCore ( = 1) 24 Wettbewerbsfah igkeit. Elf Metropolregionen in Deutschland wissensintensive Produktion (High-Tech) 2,2 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 2,0 Ul (1) i.s o l ,6 8 ill 1..; ,:,t. 1,2 'E c L.. ~ (1) Z rtl .0 o l3 1,0 I II Rhlne-Ruhr Hamburg JIolunich Stuttgilrt - _ - .. - - - - - - - .. - .. - - - 0,8 L 0,6 ,, Brernen-Oldenborq 0,4 - - .. Berlin·Brandenburg Rhine' ~laln , H·B-G-W Rhine·Neckar 0,2 0,0 - , N ~rembe rg Saxony·Triangle III IV .J--------.----..----...........--..-----t--- ..-------.-- --..--- ---.---~ 0,0 2,2 2,<4 2,6 2,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 Number of FUAs per Mega'City Region 2,0 Critical Mass / Agglomeration Sum of Employees and Inhabitants in Relation to the Mean SCore (=1 ) 25 The functional-urban hierarchy global locations Advanced Producer Services High -Tech , 1.0 -H. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.0 0.8 -I--t----.... 0.8 ,, , ~ ~ le 0.6 -I--+-;---,e--'~__;,.~-------------- :"'. " § <3 " ,' , :,. ,' , ' ~ aO.4+---l-~~___;.__,___T___;__;__i_..... ?:' .~ 0.6 +-~~~----------------- • E <3 ~ ~ s - -- - - - - - -­ o ! ' ~ : , ~. I I I I t T ' , • • 1 I I I I . ,, I I I 1 ,, :, ,, , • sum of e mployee-s an d inha brtants • Gum 01 ~ and i1haI>n:lnts 1 .. 1' t ' , I : ,, ,, ,, ,,, I ' ' ' Source: LOthi et al. 2011 Significance of Functional Urban Areas in Germany for Adv nc Producer 5 ic nrms Sigmficance of the FunttiOllal Urban Area il relation to the urn of empo vees and mhatntants '/ RT • 5lQnhanc~ • Surplus d (j) Oeflcency d onllkance • B. loI nced "Il n I(' nc~ 30 Significance of Functional Urb n Areas in Germany for High -Tech firm s • • • SigniFicance of lhe Functional Urban Area in ~i<llion to the 11m of employ il OO mharntants • Swpluo 0( It9f1'IIunce ~ DeIluency • a. 0( ~ need IlQf1l1\u1nc. Gor..-.ny 31 Glob I connectivity to the old lind the new wortd for Adv nced Producer Servic firms snrrrc Tradition al and new glo balism for the top 10 FUAs III Gennany With th e highest Il terlock connect ivity T N~Globahsm Aver?iOt Comectl tv of al FUAs In Genna to New Yal< and LondorI A~ comecbv 'tv of aU FUAs,n Germany to IleIJIflIj. Hon;l Kong am ShanQIlao 34 Globlll connectivity to the old lind the new world for High-Tech firms Trad itIOnal and new globa lism for the top 10 rUN, n Germa ny With the highest rlterlod< ConnectiVity ... MU CH -+ TraCtnonal Glob r.;m 'I ~w Globalism A ~ COflOl!Cbvltv of all FUAs In ~ny to New York and London ----l A...e.aoecomecbv, ty of all FUM ,n Germany to BeIJing. HonQ Kong m1d Sh/IncJhi I 35 Konnektivltat von Stadten. 2000 und 2008 Deutsche Stadte rutschen ab 2000 2008 Rank City 1 London 2 GNC Rank City 100.00 1 New York New York 97.10 2 London 99.32 3 Hong Kong 73.08 3 Hong Kong 83.41 12 Frankfurt 57.53 Frankfurt 51.58 46 Dusseldorf 37.83 Dusseldorf 30.85 50 Munich 36.54 Munich 35.18 86 Cologne 22.54 Cologne 14.67 GNC 100 .00 36 S,M,L,XL - Chancen, Kosten und Prozess e Mas e Erganzende Vielfalt